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glock 26 size comparison

Glock 26 Size Comparison - A side-by-side look at two popular Glock variants for concealed carry - the G26 and G43.

If you've decided to get a Baby Glock, you're not alone. The company's small compact models are very popular with concealed carry. However, there is a heated debate between the Glock 26 and the Glock 43. Both models have a lot going for them, especially in terms of concealment and reliability.

Glock 26 Size Comparison

Glock 26 Size Comparison

While we can't settle that debate here, we'll take a look at the specs to help you make an informed decision about which 9mm mini polymer pistol is right for you.

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Even on paper, there are few differences between these two small pistols. The biggest difference is the way the cartridges stack in the trays.

The G43 has a single stack magazine. Rounds of one stack log are arranged in one vertical column.

The G26 has a dual stack magazine. Double-stack magazines keep their rounds in a back-and-forth zigzag pattern. Cartridges are arranged in two columns. The upper cartridges of each column are fed to the chamber of the firearm in turn. The design makes the magazine (and the pistol that holds it) wider than a single kit. But the double-stack configuration holds more cartridges in a shorter area, accommodating about 1.5 times more cartridges in the same vertical space.

The G26 and G43 are very similar in length and height. The G26 is slightly longer, wider and heavier, but not by much. The most important difference in dimensions is the width. While a quarter inch may not seem like much, it can make a world of difference when it comes to effective concealment. The slim profile allows the G43 to easily disappear under anything in your wardrobe, especially a good IWB holster.

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While both pistols are easy to conceal, the G43's slim dimensions make it perfect for carrying in a pocket. But with a Glock light trigger and no external safety, putting it in your pocket without proper holster is just plain stupid.

The G43 handle is 0.24 inches narrower. However, it offers slightly more real estate thanks to the extra 0.08 inches of length. If that's not much, you'd be right.

Considering that the average human pinky is about 0.3 inches wide, this 0.08 inch grip height will still slip through most people's hands. Fortunately, a socket extension magazine is available for both models, but every extra inch you add to these firearms reduces their concealability, which is their best feature.

Glock 26 Size Comparison

Which handle is better? It's mostly a matter of opinion. There are many articles online claiming that the narrow frame of the single stack makes it easier for smaller hands to control. Most of these articles are written by guys with big feet. In fact, shooters with small hands benefit from something substantial to hold. Neither the G43 nor the G26 handle is too big for people with small hands. In fact, the G43's slim dimensions make it difficult for some shooters (regardless of hand size) to maintain a solid, secure grip. Individual stacks tend to slip in the hands of some shooters during shooting, especially if those hands are sweaty.

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Smaller guns are more difficult to control, whether you have clumsy hands or the delicate palms and fingers of women. Fewer handling of difficult-to-manage firearms only adds to the difficulty.

But here's the deal: every shooter is different. The best way to know if a gripper will work for you is to test it thoroughly. Take it for a test drive at the range, not the showroom. Just because a gun "feels good in the shop" doesn't mean you can handle it well with a few rounds. A rebound can be a huge game changer.

One of the advantages of the G26 is that it accepts Glock 19 and Glock 17 magazines. This can be a useful advantage in selection. It also means you can carry the G26 as a backup. If your primary sidearm is a G17 or G19, you can share stock cards with your stock gun.

Since the G26 holds four more rounds than the G43, it's also slightly heavier. Those four rounds put the G26 on the scales at just over 26 ounces. That's still 6 ounces more than a fully loaded G43.

Glock 26 Vs Glock 43

However, the extra six ounces helps absorb some of the stronger recoil micro pistols. Because of the shorter barrel length, smaller handguns may require more effort to maintain control, especially for inexperienced shooters. While both Glocks are relatively easy to control, the extra weight (and extra grip width) gives the G26 a slight advantage in recoil control.

Both are easily concealed for casual shooters, but if you're looking for a deep concealment backup pistol, the G43's slim profile gives it a slight edge.

Glock settles the debate about which one is the best by always introducing a new model. This debate is no different, and Glock's attempt to solve it is the G43X.

Glock 26 Size Comparison

Essentially a Glock 43 with a Glock 26 capacity, the G43X has a slightly wider frame (1.2 inches) and a slightly longer grip, similar in length to the Glock 19, but with a thinner, single-action frame. stack configuration. This gives it a slimmer profile than the G26 (10 plus 1) with the same magazine capacity.

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This means it's just as stealthy as the G43, but offers a few extra rounds that can save your life in a dangerous situation.

The "best" firearm is the one that shoots the best. However, balancing stealth and shootability is a very tight walk. At the end of the day, you have to decide for yourself which pistol best suits your needs, and the absolute best way to do that is to shoot them.

It's also important that small shooters don't fall into the trap of choosing a small pistol because they're small. While Baby Glocks are certainly cute, they are not as easy to shoot as their big brothers, the Glock 19 and Glock 17. While a micro pistol is very easy to conceal from anyone, you still need a gun that will allow you to. to reach the goal quickly and efficiently when necessary. A larger pistol will help you do this better than a small one in any case.

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